Serena's Home Page

I am Serena Povia, a second year PhD student in the Cambridge University Engineering Department. Currently I'm working in the Department of Material Science and Engineering of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. My boss is Prof. Stephanie Reich and I work on carbon nanotubes. Curious about physics and nanotubes? Go to my work page.

Who am I? and what do I do? Go here or jump to my curriculum vitae.

My photos page contains recent pictures of the Boston/Cambridge area and will be soon enlarged uploading records of my holidays and my childhood.

I like cooking (even if I'm quite clumsy) and I noticed that some english website give bizzarre (not to be offensive) interpretations of italian recipes. So my personal solution is to write them down lightly adapted to UK/USA available ingredients. Moreover I'm learning how to fiddle as a sysadmin with Linux, since I've been given a small cluster to babysit. I decided to merge the two topics in a single page alternating recipes and computer hacks. If I can cook this recipes/use this computer hacks, everyone can do it :)

In the random page you can find absolutely random things that I like. Art, ranting, caving, books, music, sailing, will be featured (probably in a distant future).


Contact me at: sp422 at dot cam dot ac dot uk.