Cloak & Dagger The Assassins' Guild


(4/2/05) There has been an event today which has lead to any sort of fake bomb or letter bomb being removed from the game. This is a short summary of what has happenned.

This morning (or possibly last night) a fake bomb was discovered by staff at Newnham College. As far as we can tell it was correctly labelled and the recommended type of bomb. It was, however, not attached to any particular door. This lead to a fair deal of commotion, and a considerable amount of time taken by members of staff to assess the situation.

The Senior Tutor of Newnham then contacted the Umpire to complain about the `bomb' and to state that she doesn't want these things in her College at all. The complaint was also forwarded to the Senior Tutor of John's college who saw the Umpire in person and requested the same thing.

Therefore, as a precaution all bombs or otherwise exploding object have been removed from the game immediately. Assassins are asked to remove any which they have left or sent at the first possible opportunity. Anyone found to be sending these things will be removed from the game.

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