Cambridge Market has myriad stalls, many of which sell food (fruit and vegetables, bread, cakes, fish, meat, cheese, tea and coffee) and on Sundays the market is more like a Farmers-Market.

Mill Road is lined with an exciting array of shops, cafes and numerous restaurants. There are many ethnic shops, such as Al Amin and Seoul, selling foods, spices and other groceries not often found elsewhere in town, or this country for that matter. This can make for an educational day out and a real stimulation for the senses.

In the north, Nasreem Dar located on the corner of Histon Road and Victoria Road is a hidden gem. The products lining the shelves, the spices, pulses and rice would be welcome in many a kitchen cupboard.

This Local Food Map and BigBarn both provide information about producers and businesses supporting and selling local food, some of which are mentioned below.

A Waller & Son. 15 Victoria Avenue, Cambridge, CB4 1EG. Selling beef from CamCattle - the herd of Redpoll on Midsummer Common, as well as many other locally sourced meats.

Art of Meat. 45 Arbury Court, Cambridge, CB4 2JQ. A traditional butcher sourcing meats and eggs from Bedfordhire and Suffolk.

Cambridge Farmers Outlet. 8 Lensfield Road, Cambridge CB2 1EG - opposite the Catholic Church. A cooperative of several local producers selling tasty seasonal food direct to you including: organic bread, fruit and vegetables, flowers (grown without pesticides), as well as chutneys and some ready-prepared food.

Arjuna Wholefoods store on Mill Road stocks some hearty and healthy produce, much of which is vegan/veggie friendly.

Revital  is a health food and supplement shop that also sells local flour from Fen End Farm.

Urban Larder has recently up-sized to new premises located on Mill Road. It's well worth visit, here's what the owner says:
"Join us at the brand new Urban Larder shop – 9 Broadway, Mill Road, Cambridge. Sample our wonderful locally-sourced goodies, check out our succulent organic meat, pesticide-free organic fruit and vegetables, delicious, locally produced cheeses, jams and chutneys as well as the freshest local free range farm eggs and locally-baked bread kneaded by local people, with heart and soul. Urban Larder promises to be your one-stop shop! Join the many of us who are turning our backs on supermarkets, and who want to taste and enjoy the huge array of local produce created from scratch by dedicated farmers and foodies who live in the East of England."

Cambridge Cheese Shop  in All Saints Passage is the place to be for cheese fanatics. Stocking both British and other well known cheeses amongst some other beautiful produce to accompany your cheese board. This makes for brilliant browsing.

Burwash Manor  is a reasonable bike ride away but also worth the mileage. Buses pass by too so there really are no excuses not to visit the interesting and unique boutiques, cafe and Larder.

Newnham. In this lovely part of town you will find a butcher, a bakery (Derby Street, where you can buy fresh yeast) and a well-stocked shop (with a post office) selling cheese and coffee amongst other treasures.

Passing through Newnham, although not strictly in the ‘Shop’ category but worth a visit nonetheless, is the delightful Orchard Tea Rooms where you can enjoy a tasty scone and pot of tea after a walk by the river. Lovely.