No garden but want to grow? Cambridge Allotments Network provides information about allotments in the area and related events and resources.

The national Allotment Growing website is a further source of information for current and future green-fingered folks.

Transition Cambridge run a Garden Share Scheme aiming to team up people who wish to grow but do not have space with people who have space but do not or cannot grow.

Foodshare is an inspiring worldwide volunteer run project originating in Cambridge. Based on the concept of collecting surplus allotment or garden produce, the donations are delivered to local charities/hospices providing them with fresh produce, saving them £100’s if not £1000’s as well as minimising food waste. 

Grow Your Own Workshops are offered by Cambridge Carbon Footprint. Experienced growers and gardeners are on hand to offer advice and answer questions. All abilities, including complete beginners, are welcome. 

Need seeds? Trumpington Allotment Society will hold their next ‘Seedy Sunday’ event in January 2011.

This links page is a constant work in progress. If there is something you recommend we look at, please let us know .