There's something really therapeutic and satisfying about baking your own bread. The process can vary in length and complexity (basic dough vs sourdough starter) but the aroma and tasty results at the end are guaranteed. Fresh, delicious and preservative free!

Fresh yeast can be bought from the Bakery in Newnham or ordered from the bakery on Rose Crescent. Dried yeast also works for many recipes. If you can’t get or eat yeast, or if you want a super-quick loaf, try making Irish soda bread.

Local (Fen End Farm, Cottenham) and organic flour can be bought from Revital and Arjuna.

Flour from Glebe Farm in Huntingdon (who also make beer) can be bought from The Daily Bread, located in the north of Cambridge, who also stock many wholefood products, local vegetables and ecological cleaning products.

The Daily Bread cooperative also supplies bread from Cobs Bakery (Cambridge Organic Bread) who produce bread using slow fermentation processes and ‘good energy’ and offer bread making workshops (see their website) for both beginner and experienced home bakers.

Cobs and Dovecote bakeries also supply via the COFCO vegetable box scheme.

Dan Lepard is an inspirational Baker. A visit to his website or a look at his books makes it easy to see why baking bread (or baking anything for that matter) can become a way of life, a passion - some people may even say an obsession. As a keen baker, it’s certainly a good way to satisfy one’s kneads!!