
Mathematical Call My Bluff: 2005, 2006

Talks: Arthur Norman, John Hinch, Imre Leader

Mathematical Call My Bluff, 2006

Francis, Chris and Danny Tim and Chris with a bit of Rich
The President Nathan, Chris and Pac-Man
The laughing masses Gatecrashers


Mathematical Call My Bluff, 2005

Little Nathan Kettle, Big Matt Lee, and Funny Andy Davies The victors
Our suave Vice-President The President
Not convinced by the definitions Paul and Port (2)


Arthur Norman’s talk

The Constable Jacob
Arthur Norman


John Hinch’s talk

Mathmos and Joe Erica and Paul
John Hinch


Imre Leader’s talk

Paul and port Mathmos gearing up for the talk
Mathmos Imre Leader

Photos of the annual cricket match can be found on the cricket page.