[CST-2] NA2 page 10

Sapna Jethwa spj23@cam.ac.uk
Tue, 22 May 2001 00:08:11 +0100

Dear All,

Sorry for being stupid and useless again, but I wanted to ask for some
clarification of the end of section 1.4.6 in Page 10 of the numerical
analysis 2 notes, as my scribblings from lectures offer no clues.

In particular:
- in the expansion of e^x, where are the coefficients for the chebychev
terms from? (eg 1.266T0) are they from the page 8 where the integrals
are shown?
- how is the error from truncating the Taylor series after x^6

Many thanks yet again (although i'm sure there will be more to come ;-)