CCP5 2007 : "Multiscale Modelling"

New Hall, Cambridge, 29th-31st August 2007





Invited Speakers


Local Info


The CCP5 Annual General Meeting 2007 was held in Cambridge, UK on 29th-31st August 2007 at New Hall. The theme of the meeting was "Multiscale Modelling: simulation methods and applications spanning time and length scales".

The aim of the conference was to bring together researchers in a wide range of different fields who are carrying out computational simulations of materials systems over a range of length and time scales. Multiscale modelling is becoming increasingly widely used to connect engineering and functional properties of materials to the molecular or atomistic scale, and the development of new methodologies for seemless integration of different modelling techniques is an important step forward in this process.

The meeting was generously supported by contributions from the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) via the UK Collaborative Computing Project number 5 (CCP5). We are also pleased to partner with the Taylor & Francis journal Molecular Simulatation, who are sponsoring the poster sessions.


Local organiser: Dr James Elliott (Cambridge), CCP5 Administration (c) 2007. University of Cambridge.