Sound and Space

in Renaissance Venice

Architecture, Music, Acoustics

Yale University Press, 2009

RRP £ 30 GBP


This website accompanies the book named above. The tracks available here are a selection from the series of choral experiments carried out in Venice between 8 and 15 April 2007 by the Choir of St John's College, Cambridge, directed by David Hill with organists Paul Provost and Lèon Charles.

The recordings were taken by Matthew Dilley using a Soundfield Microphone.

The Choir's visit was sponsored by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the UK, St John's College Cambridge, the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation and supported by Chorus Cultura Venice.

Analysis of the recordings may be found on the pages indicated beside each track.

Click here to download a .zip file containing all 91 audio examples.

Alternatively, use the links below to hear the audio examples for each building. These pages also include diagrams showing the positions of the singers and microphones in each example.

San Marco

Island Monasteries
San Michele in Isola
San Giorgio Maggiore

Mendicant Friaries
Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari
San Francesco della Vigna

Parish Churches
San Giacomo dell’Orio
San Martino
San Giuliano

Ospedali Grandi

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