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Our main mailing list, camdisc, is hosted on Google Groups. This is a space for all people interested in ultimate in Cambridge: CU students, ARU students, non-students, people living in Cambridge, or just visiting, ...


How to sign up?

OPTION 1: sign up with a Google Account (e.g. @gmail.com email): click here, click "Join", and you're all set.

OPTION 2: sign up with an @cam.ac.uk account:

  1. click here, log in with raven, and enable "Google Groups". You may need to wait a minute or two for this setting to update fully.
  2. click here, and switch accounts to your @cam.ac.uk on the top right (simply sign in with your full email [e.g. sb123@cam.ac.uk] and raven password)
  3. click "Join", and you're all set.

Note: you can also use OPTION 3 instead with your @cam.ac.uk email, if you prefer.

OPTION 3: sign up with any email: send an email to ultimate-camdisc+subscribe@googlegroups.com (empty email is fine) and follow the instructions (you will get a reply in a minute, and you just need to reply anything to that, in order to confirm your email).

OPTION 4: if you have a strong preference for not using Google Groups (e.g. on the grounds of privacy concerns), or if you are having difficulties signing up, please email the webmaster at ultimate-webmaster-at-srcf.net and I'll be very happy to set up an alternative method for you.


By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy.

Members of the mailing list are officially members of CU Ultimate Club (that's us), which organises both Strange Blue (students) and Cambridge Ultimate (non-students) teams, as well as open-to-all trainings.
Cambridge Ultimate

Please see camdisc.org
for open-to-all trainings, or strangeblue.org for student trainings. 

More info...