Cambridge University Role-Playing Society CURS Constitution, last updated March 2008

1. Name

The society shall be "The Cambridge University Role-playing Society" hereafter referred to as "the Society". The society's name may be abbreviated to CURS for ease of reference.

2. Objectives

The aim of the Society shall be to promote role-playing games within the University. The Society shall provide facilities for said games in pursuance of this aim.


(1) Membership of the Society shall be open to all members of the University and any others that are approved by the Committee.

(2) Membership of the society shall incur a fee for one year, or for life. A member who has paid for one yearfs membership may upgrade to life membership for a further fee. These fees shall be set annually at the AGM.

(3) The committee may call a GM to attempt to expel any member whose conduct seems likely to bring the Society into disrepute, subject to the decision of that meeting.

(4) Membership shall carry the right to attend society meetings and to borrow items from the societyfs library subject to such reasonable conditions as the Committee shall from time to time determine for the efficient conduct of such meetings and the protection of the libraryfs contents.

4. The Committee

(1) Management of the affairs of the Society shall be in the hands of the Committee, which shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Officers shall take office at whichever is later of the end of the AGM, or the end of the fourth week of Easter Full Term.

(2) The Committee shall consist of a President, Secretary, and Junior Treasurer, who shall be elected by the members as in 4(1), any other officers who the AGM see fit to elect as in 4(1), and any other officers who the Committee see fit to co-opt as in 4(4). In addition there shall be a Senior Treasurer, who shall be a resident member of the Senate or other person approved by the Junior Proctor. The Senior Treasurer shall be appointed by the elected members of the Committee and shall be ex officio a member of the Committee.

(3) The President (and the Vice-President if any) shall be responsible for organising Committee and General Meetings and chairing said Meetings as indicated below. The Secretary (and Assistant Secretary if any) shall be responsible for maintaining the Society's email and membership lists and the website, for organising agendas for General Meetings and for taking minutes at Committee and General Meetings. The Junior Treasurer and Senior Treasurer shall have responsibilities as indicated in 6(2-4). The job titles and responsibilities of all other elected officers shall be as stated in the AGM motion that led to their election, and the job titles and responsibilities of all other co-opted officers shall be determined by the Committee.

(4) The Committee shall also have the power to co-opt additional officers as it sees fit. Such members will have no vote at Committee Meetings.

(5) Meetings of the Committee shall be chaired by the President or in their absence, the Vice-President (if any). If neither is present, the remaining members shall elect a chair for that meeting. The quorum for a meeting of the Committee shall be three members (including the chair) and a written record of each meeting shall be kept.

(6) In the event of a tie, the chair shall have a casting vote in addition to their original vote.

5. General Meetings

(1) The Society shall hold an AGM in Cambridge during Full Term, each Academic year. All members shall be entitled to attend and vote at any General Meeting. At least fourteen days written notice shall be given to members before the AGM.

(2) The AGM shall approve minutes of the last General Meeting and the Society's accounts for the preceding year, elect the Committee for the year ahead, set the membership fees for the year ahead, and conduct other business as necessary.

(3) Candidates for election to office shall be proposed by another member and must be members of the Society themselves. Every motion at a General Meeting shall be proposed and seconded by another member. Voting shall be by show of hands for or against each candidate or proposal. A majority vote is required to pass a motion or to elect a Committee member other than the President, Secretary or Junior Treasurer. Where there is only one candidate for one of the posts of President, Secretary or Junior Treasurer, they shall be elected automatically. Where there is more than one candidate for one of these posts, there shall be an election by show of hands with the candidate receiving most votes being declared the winner. In the case of a tie in any motion or election, the chair of the meeting shall have a casting vote in addition to their original vote.

(4) An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be held at any time during Full Term. It shall be held in Cambridge and may be called by the Executive Committee or at the written request of at least ten members. Twenty-one days written notice shall be given to members before an EGM is held. An EGM shall have the same powers as an AGM.

(5) General Meetings shall be chaired by the President or in their absence, the Vice-President (if any). If neither is present, the remaining members shall elect a chair for that meeting. The quorum for a General Meeting shall be five members(including the chair) and a written record of every General Meeting shall be kept. If the AGM has still not become quorate 30 minutes after its scheduled start time in spite of having been correctly called in accordance with all other requirements of this Constitution, then it may proceed to elect the President, Secretary and Junior Treasurer anyway, and such elections shall be counted as though the AGM was quorate.

6. Financial Matters

(1) The Society shall maintain a banking account with a suitable bank or building society to hold the Society's funds.

(2) It shall be the responsibility of the Junior Treasurer to ensure that the society's funds are properly accounted for and the society's financial records kept in good order.

(3) The Senior Treasurer shall make arrangements for the Society's accounts to be properly audited, either by themself or by some other person approved under University Ordinances.

(4) The Senior Treasurer shall not be liable for any financial debt or other obligation of the Society unless they have personally authorised such a debt in writing.

(5) For so long as the Society shall be registered with the Junior Proctor, it shall be the duty of the Committee to ensure that the Society complies with the requirements for Registration as a University Society.

7. Changes to the Constitution

(1) The Constitution may be amended by a special motion at a General Meeting which requires a two-thirds majority instead of the usual majority.

(2) The membership shall be given at least 7 days of notice of any motion that if passed will change the Constitution.

(3) Any changes to the Constitution shall only become binding when accepted by the Proctors. In the event that the changes are rejected, the Constitution shall remain unchanged. The committee shall notify the membership immediately when either a Constitutional change has taken effect or has been rejected by the Proctors.

8. Dissolution

(1) The Society may be dissolved at a General Meeting provided that at least twenty-one days written notice of the intention to dissolve the society has been give to the members. At least two thirds of those present and voting at the General Meeting must vote in favour of the motion for Dissolution for it to be effective.

(2) Any motion for the Dissolution of the Society shall provide that the assets remaining after all liabilities have been met shall be transferred either to another registered University Society, or to the Societies Syndicate.