To : Supervisor Group
From : D.F. Hartley

Checklist of tasks for System Number 1

System 1 is now defined as the specific objective to which we are all to work. When fully operational it will provide the laboratory with the first on-line system to be available during normal computing service periods and as such should be regarded as a major achievement for computer development in Europe.

The system is defined in detail by the attached list of tasks and it is hoped that all members of the Software group will now give top priority to the work involved so that we can bring this thing to operational status as soon as possible.

If the attached list is incorrect or inadequate or if any stumbling block (technical or otherwise) is encountered, then Sandy and I would like to know as soon as possible.

made by
assembled by
A. Filemaster
AGF1. Disc Restart21 Nov.
2. Amended disc test program
DFH (BL.AGF)3. Filemaster initiation25 Nov.5 Dec.
AGF4. Security system for off-line jobs using files25 Nov.5 Dec.
BL (DFH)5. "FROM FILE" and "TO FILE" in job description25 Nov.5 Dec.
AGF6. Dumping initiation and Control5 Dec.
AGF7. Magnetic tape organisation and weekly runsStart 5 Dec.
B. Multiplexor Routines
JCV1. Rewrite to provide new facilities as agreed (including release working space)9 Dec.
JCV (DFH)2. Ability to free OP waiting for input from console.25 Nov.
C. PDP7 link
CAL1. Testing version operating under 1923 environmentTests complete 2 Dec.
BL (CAL)2. Full version incorporated in Mk. 13
D. Tape Scheduler
PRR1. Testing version operating under 1923 environmentTests complete 28 Nov.
BL (PRR)2. Full version incorporated in Mk. 13
E. Internal job initiation and JDD
BL1. Compilers not in JDD tables and name preserved for start OP25 Nov.9 Dec.
BL2. Extracode to send stream to JDD and "get answer"25 Nov.9 Dec.
F. Fault Routines and Stop OP
DFH (MJTG)1. Modification to Fault Routines for CCP and system monitor25 Nov.9 Dec.
DFH2. Modification to Stop OP25 Nov.9 Dec.
G. System Monitor
PRR1. System monitor dumping mechanism25 Nov.
PRR2. Restart mechanism25 Nov.
H. Job Control
MJTG1. J0 and J2 space control and lockout25 Nov.5 Dec.
DFH (MJTG)2. 1143, 1146 and 1147. Pure procedure, CCP, System monitor, Start OP, Console OP, logging, built-in-file25 Nov.5 Dec.
3. OP space scheduling and control
BL4. Optional PLOG25 Nov.5 Dec.
DFH5. Documentation of OP interfacesDocumented 28 Nov.
I. Command Control Program
DB1. CCP proper18 Nov.5 Dec.
DB2. Built-in commands5 Dec.
J. Unser Control Program
JMHH1. Testing version operating under Mk. 12Tests complete 9 Dec.
DFH2. Dump blocklet and Wait extracode13 Dec.
JMHH3. Full version incorporated in Mk. 1313 Dec.
K. Miscellaneous
DFH1. Corrections to 1925 including initialisation25 Nov.
BL (MJTG)2. Corrections to Mk. 12, re-organisation to release fixed space5 Dec.
DB (BL)3. Time shared post mortem
BL4. Kill all jobs facility25 Nov.
MJTG5. Status all jobs facility25 Nov.
BL6. External Scheduling
L. System Programs
DB1. IIT. J2 space5 Dec.12 Dec.
HB2. Autocode pure procedure or bootstrap5 Dec.12 Dec.
HB3. FORTRAN bootstrap
IJ4. E2 pure procedure or bootstrap
SRB5. E3 pure procedure or bootstrap
JMHH6. Context editor improvements
HB7. ML/I bootstrap
IJ8. CPL bootstrap
9. Construction of library
10. Logbook program

Copyright © 1966 University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory. Distributed by permission. Thanks to Barry Landy, Roger Needham and David Hartley for giving permission to distribute these documents. Thanks to Barry Landy for lending me the paper document from which this was scanned. Any typographical errors probably arose in the course of OCR.

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