Meeting-Number: 68 Meeting-Type: AGM Meeting-Start-Date: Friday 13 June 2003 Minutes-Entry-Date: Friday 13 June 2003 Entered-By: jsm28 Meeting-Place: William Gates Building, West Cambridge Site Present: ema29 (Edward Allcutt) (entered after his election), mac57 (Michael Cripps), sgf22 (Simon Frankau), nej22 (Neil Johnson), oghm2 (Olly Madge), seven other members, one non-member Meeting-Time: 16:52:50 to 16:58:40 1) Apologies for absence. Richard Atkinson was unable to be present. 2) Minutes of previous meetings. The minutes of the previous two AGMs (the last one having been inquorate and so unable to approve the minutes of the previous one) were approved without objection. 3) President's Report. The President reported that this year had been a bit poor with no talks organised, but plenty of interesting equipment had been given away and many likely speakers had been listed for next year. 4) Election of officers. No advance nominations had been received by the Secretary. Nominations were taken at the meeting, and for each post except Junior Treasurer exactly one person was nominated and seconded and so was appointed unopposed; for Junior Treasurer there were no nominations so William Sowerbutts remained as Junior Treasurer (and it was noted that the new committee would need to co-opt a new Junior Treasurer): ema29 was nominated for President by mac57 and seconded by davey3000 (a member with no CRSid). (At this point ema29 entered the meeting.) oghm2 was nominated for Secretary by sgf22 and seconded by nej22. There were no nominations for Junior Treasurer. mac57 was nominated for Publicity Officer by nej22 and seconded by ema29. 5) Any Other Business. The new committee appointed jrs53 (James Srinivasan) as Equipment Officer.