
The President of CNY

As the president of CUCNY, I will try my best to unite the big great family and make this group better serve the purpose of providing children in China with a better education opportunity! Let's make CUCNY great again!

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Lettice 魏来

Vice President for Entertainments

Hi, I'm Lai Wei from Magdalene College. As the Ents Vice President of CNY, I'll bring you the most fantastic Spring-Festival-themed ball ever. Why not tell me your idea now? It'll be your ball!

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Yexia 林叶侠

Vice President for Logistics

My name is Yexia, I'm reading engineering at Clare College, Cambridge. I first learnt about CNY when I worked as a helper for the CNY Ball in 2017. I wish to do my part to help the people with less access to education in China.

我叫林叶侠,在剑桥Clare学院读工程。通过在2017年春节的CNY Ball做helper的经历认识了CNY。我想为中国的教育事业出一份小小的力。

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Vera 任慧心


My name is Vera, a second-year mathmo at Magdalene. As the secretary of CUCNY, my duties include organizing meetings and communicating with members to ensure our projects are smoothly carried out. I hope that our events can be more influential and the money we raise help more people in China.

我是任慧心,剑桥大学Magdalene学院数学系学生,担任CUCNY secretary一职。我的职责包括组织会议,协调沟通人物安排。衷心希望CUCNY活动可以顺利开展,筹集善款帮助更多的人。

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Zoe 秦子雯


I’m Ziwen Qin, a second-year Natsci in Downing College, the current treasurer. My duties primarily include overseeing the account, and insuring that activities shall receive substantial donation for further charitable purposes. I’d make every endeavour to secure a joyful time for our participants and a prosperous year ahead for CUCNY.

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Olivia 胡雪子

Publicity Officer

A pub officer who loves publicity.


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Dorothy 郭星妤

Publicity Officer

Hi I'm Dorothy----a second year economist from Sidney Sussex College. As the publicity officer in CNY, I'm responsible for the propaganda, such as introducing sponsors and subscribers about our events and progress, designing posts and composing articles for CNY WeChat. Feel free to come and discuss any good promotional ideas with me!

我是大二经济系的郭星妤,是CNY的宣传组的一员。我的职责主要是让资助者和公众号订阅者了解我们的活动以及反馈,方式包括设计海报和编辑公众号推送。 如果你有好的宣传想法,欢迎来和我讨论!

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Kristen 杨迪岚

Entertainments Officer

I’m Kristen, named after Kristen Steward. A second year Econ from Emma. Love piano and Saxophone, love debate too but don’t like debating in daily life. Life goal is to travel around the world and try out all the extreme sports. Accomplished 0.1% by far.


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Stephania 卢以芃

Entertainments Officer

Hello! I am Yipeng Lu, an Entertainment Officer of CNY, also a second-year Mathmo form Trinity Hall. Our team is mainly in charge of the CNY ball next year and I am enjoying the time working with these lovely people and hopefully, we can provide more fascinating charitable event next year.

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Weiwen 何伟文

Logistics Officer

I am Weiwen He, the Log Officer of CUCNY. I am currently a second-year maths student at Christ's College, Cambridge. I am responsible for the logistical side of the CNY events. Hope my work will help more people.

我是何伟文,是CNY的Log Officer. 我今年大二,在剑桥Christ学院读数学。我在CNY主要负责各项活动的后勤工作,希望我的工作能帮助到更多的人。

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Sam 张庭郡

Logistics Officer

My name is Sam and I'm a really warm-hearted person. My main job in CNY is to help organise charity run. I hope CNY can be better and known by more and more people.


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Sponsorship Officer

I'm a good boy and I want to help CNY and Chinese charities grow.


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Xinkuan 邱心宽

Casino Manager

I am passionate about casino and enjoy dealing. In the past two years, I took part in a lot casino related activities like Casino night, boat party, CNY ball and Pembroke Ball. You are always welcome to contact me if you are willing to join our team!

在入学的两年里以dealer的身份参加了CNY的Casino night,boat party, ball等活动。对Casino充满热情,希望能为CNY的辉煌未来贡献自己的绵薄之力。

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Fundraising Officer

I am a second-year economist from Murray Edwards College and I am the fundraising officer of CNY this year. My role is to make sure that the element of charity is incorporated into every one of CNY’s events and meanwhile, being responsible for the fresher’s fair and the garden party in March. I believe that my role is essential to the making CNY a better-known society with more participants, and I really hope that you guys can join us to help the children in need!

大家好,我是Murray Edrwads学院经济系的大二学生。作为 CNY今年的fundraising officer,我的职责是确保CNY的每一个活动都包含了慈善元素。除此以外,我还主要负责今年的freasher’s fair 和三月的garden party。我相信,我可以帮助CNY成为一个更有影响力的社团。希望大家多多参加我们的活动,为需要帮助的孩子们出一份力!

here is a photo of mine