Climate Changes: What Next?







Speakers: Dr Heather Cruickshank

is Senior Research Associate and a founding member of the Centre for Sustainable Development. She has been involved in developing and delivering teaching material for a number of undergraduate and postgraduate courses and has undertaken work and research in a number of countries including Afghanistan, Mongolia, Nepal, Albania, South Africa and Indonesia.

Current research interests include the roles and responsibilities of engineers towards implementing the concepts of sustainable development, ethics and implementation of sustainable development. A focus on the roles and interactions of people at all stages of development is an ongoing theme of Heather's research.

Heather is currently on the Board of Trustees for Engineers Without Borders UK (EWB-UK).

Future Challenges for Development

Climate change will cause local and regional changes that will affect access to and use of natural and human resources. The impact this will have on development needs to be more fully explored. This session will look at the potential challenges that could face development in the future and this will be framed around delivery of the Millennium Development Goals.
