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Part of the Expo training activities, CUCC organisesd a cave surveying workshop to learn how to make cave surveys, on Tuesday 25th of June 2013. Click here to see the slides.

A second session for those interested in contributing to the Expo website and in further details of cave-computing was held two weeks after, Tuesday 16th of July. See the expo page for more info

The surveying workshop covered the process from scratch and it was be half practical (see the outline below): what material is needed, all the steps involved in the process, and how to get the data into the computer. It was instructed by Wookey, Julian Todd and Aiora.


Cave Surveying Workshop - Outline

CUCC, Cambridge, Tuesday 25th of June 2013

Why survey? To find your way in new cave, to be able to read better other people's surveys, etc.

Types of surveys and how to read a survey

Part I: in the cave

How do you draw a survey?

How to measure the central line? Segments and instruments

How to take notes? Material and structure

What to draw? Approx. extended elevation and top views


Part II: after the cave

Introduce the measures in the computer

Create the central line and fit in a broader survey (with survex)

Print and draw with the appropriate proportions

Scan the polished drawing

(Draw your survey in digital (with tunnel)--if we have the time and Julian is around)

Computer practical
