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Revision as of 18:11, 11 April 2017 by Elaine Oliver (talk | contribs) (Pre-Expedition Tasks)
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Expo 2017

This section of the wiki is just a tool to help get expo 2017 preparation done in a coordinated fashion. The main expo website is

Once the tasks and discussions below become more concrete they should be transferred to the main Expo website so that the expo website remains up to date.

Expo Dates

This year's expo dates are (provisionally) Sat 15th July to Sun 20th August (5 weeks), but it may be extended by a week.

Things that need Attention

Everyone is welcome on expo - it is not just for CUCC people. We expect some ULSA and UBSS people at least. There is plenty of cave to go round, although we try to keep it below 20 people at any one time to avoid 'nowhere to kip at the bivi' syndrome.

Mission Statement

Go caving, have fun, don't injure anyone.


Discussion happens on the Expo Mailing List. You need to be on here if you are thinking of coming.

Chat: The Expo IRC Channel is #expo on Use any IRC client or Web access

Pre-Expedition Tasks

Task Person in charge___ Status_____
General Admin
Sponsorship Ash in progress
Austrian permission Elaine done
Grant Applications Elaine done
Expo Training Weekend Rob W ToDo
Bierbook and Seshbook ToDo
Transport Ruairidh/Elaine in progress
Flapjack ToDo
Food Elaine/Elliott ToDo
Expo Stash Elaine ToDo
Mini Surveys Becka and Julian ToDo
Gear Order Elliott ToDo
Survey Equipment ToDo
First Aid Kits ToDo
Technical Stuff
Expo Computer Wookey and Sam ToDo
Website Update ToDo
Surveys ToDo
Sponsorship photos ToDo

Post-Expedition Tasks

Need to ensure expo 2017 is completely finished up before moving on to expo 2018.


These aren't specific tasks that need to be done but things to think about and discuss:

  • Cake or death?