Beyond Part III

Young Researchers in Mathematics 2009

16-18 April 2009

Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge

You can sort the list by clicking on the headings.

Name Institution Session
Phil Ellison Leeds Algebra and Foundations
Julia Erhard Oxford Algebra and Foundations
Roko Mijic Edinburgh Algebra and Foundations
Alexander Frolkin Cambridge, DPMMS Algebra and Foundations
Betty Fyn-Sydney Birmingham Algebra and Foundations
Julia Goedecke Cambridge, DPMMS Algebra and Foundations
James Griffin (chair) Cambridge, DPMMS Algebra and Foundations
Zachiri McKenzie Cambridge, DPMMS Algebra and Foundations
Andrew Swan Leeds Algebra and Foundations
Rishi Vyas Cambridge, DPMMS Algebra and Foundations
Oliver Braeunling Nottingham Algebraic Geometry
Sarah Davis Warwick Algebraic Geometry
Will Donovan Imperial College Algebraic Geometry
Philipp Gross Düsseldorf Algebraic Geometry
Andreas Holmstrom Cambridge, DPMMS Algebraic Geometry
Hafiz Syed Husain Edinburgh Algebraic Geometry
Sohail Iqbal Warwick Algebraic Geometry
Thomas Koeppe Edinburgh Algebraic Geometry
Philipp Kühl Münster Algebraic Geometry
Carl McTague Cambridge, DPMMS Algebraic Geometry
Muhammad Imran Qureshi Oxford Algebraic Geometry
Lisema Rammea Bath Algebraic Geometry
Laura Schaposnik Oxford Algebraic Geometry
Dirk Schlueter Oxford Algebraic Geometry
Alexander Shannon (chair) Cambridge, DPMMS Algebraic Geometry
Tom Sutherland Sheffield Algebraic Geometry
Alan Thompson Oxford Algebraic Geometry
Thomas Trenner Cambridge, DPMMS Algebraic Geometry
Marcus Zibrowius Cambridge, DPMMS Algebraic Geometry
Timothy Candy Edinburgh Analysis and Combinatorics
David Conlon Cambridge, DPMMS Analysis and Combinatorics
Michael Doré Warwick Analysis and Combinatorics
Sam Elliott Leeds Analysis and Combinatorics
Daniele Garrisi U Pisa Analysis and Combinatorics
Adam Harper Cambridge, DPMMS Analysis and Combinatorics
Mette Iversen Cambridge Analysis and Combinatorics
Milanka Jankovic Oxford Analysis and Combinatorics
Nicholas Korpelainen Warwick Analysis and Combinatorics
Eoin Long Cambridge, DPMMS Analysis and Combinatorics
Richard Mycroft Birmingham Analysis and Combinatorics
Vicky Neale (chair) Cambridge, DPMMS Analysis and Combinatorics
Tom Rackham Oxford Analysis and Combinatorics
David Saxton Cambridge, DPMMS Analysis and Combinatorics
Iryna Schlackow Oxford Analysis and Combinatorics
Waldemar Schlackow Oxford Analysis and Combinatorics
Matas Sileikis Vilnius Analysis and Combinatorics
Ta Sheng Tan Cambridge, DPMMS Analysis and Combinatorics
Andrew Treglown Birmingham Analysis and Combinatorics
Mykhaylo Tyomkyn Cambridge, DPMMS Analysis and Combinatorics
Matthew White Oxford Analysis and Combinatorics
Anthony Ashton Cambridge, DAMTP Appl. & Comp. Analysis
Pierre de Fouquieres Cambridge, DAMTP Appl. & Comp. Analysis
Timothy Grant Surrey Appl. & Comp. Analysis
Axel Kroener TU Munich Appl. & Comp. Analysis
Alexander Lorz (chair) Cambridge, DAMTP Appl. & Comp. Analysis
Silvia Pina-Romero Manchester Appl. & Comp. Analysis
Euan Spence Cambridge, DAMTP Appl. & Comp. Analysis
Rachael Tappenden Canterbury (NZ) Appl. & Comp. Analysis
Muhammad Yousaf Essex Appl. & Comp. Analysis
Ian Abel UKAEA Culham & Oxford University Astrophysics
Nikolai Berkoff Leeds Astrophysics
Tina Davies Leeds Astrophysics
Barbara Ferreira Cambridge, DAMTP Astrophysics
Evan Keane Manchester Astrophysics
Peter Mann Cambridge, DAMTP Astrophysics
Alexander James Mustill Cambridge, IoA Astrophysics
Robert Penna Harvard Astrophysics
Katy Richardson Cambridge, DAMTP Astrophysics
Rich Wood Cambridge, DAMTP Astrophysics
Toby Wood (chair) Cambridge, DAMTP Astrophysics
Jan Cristina Helsinki Diff. Geometry/Topology
Florian J Gaisendrees Heidelberg Diff. Geometry/Topology
Luis Haug U Leipzig Diff. Geometry/Topology
Sebastian Helmensdorfer Warwick Diff. Geometry/Topology
Richard Harris (chair) Cambridge, DPMMS Diff. Geometry/Topology
Peter Herbrich HU Berlin Diff. Geometry/Topology
Dominic Jänichen Köln Diff. Geometry/Topology
Felix Ketelaar U Hamburg Diff. Geometry/Topology
Will Merry Cambridge, DPMMS Diff. Geometry/Topology
George Raptis Oxford Diff. Geometry/Topology
Fionntan Roukema U Pisa Diff. Geometry/Topology
Edward C. White, Jr. Cambridge Diff. Geometry/Topology
Sevag Arzoumanian Cambridge, DAMTP Fluid Dynamics
Ed Brambley Cambridge, DAMTP Fluid Dynamics
David Ellis Imperial College Fluid Dynamics
Maxine von Eye Cambridge, DAMTP Fluid Dynamics
Christopher Johnson Manchester Fluid Dynamics
Draga Pihler Cambridge, DAMTP Fluid Dynamics
Daisuke Takagi (chair) Cambridge, DAMTP Fluid Dynamics
Alice Thompson Nottingham Fluid Dynamics
Bethan White Leeds Fluid Dynamics
Ben Willcocks University College London Fluid Dynamics
Mark Durkee (chair) Cambridge, DAMTP General Relativity/Cosmology
Jose Fonseca Portsmouth General Relativity/Cosmology
Mahdi Godazgar Cambridge, DAMTP General Relativity/Cosmology
Arne Goedeke AEI Golm General Relativity/Cosmology
Jurjen Koksma Utrecht General Relativity/Cosmology
Ricardo Monteiro Cambridge, DAMTP General Relativity/Cosmology
William Nelson King's College London General Relativity/Cosmology
Ernesto Nungesser AEI Golm General Relativity/Cosmology
Lydia Philpott Imperial College General Relativity/Cosmology
Raquel H. Ribeiro Cambridge, DAMTP General Relativity/Cosmology
Sergio Rivera Hernandez AEI Golm General Relativity/Cosmology
Jorge Eduardo Santos Cambridge, DAMTP General Relativity/Cosmology
Smulevici Cambridge, DAMTP General Relativity/Cosmology
Joel Weller Sheffield General Relativity/Cosmology
Michael Baker Oxford High Energy Physics (gen.)
Jonathon Carter Durham High Energy Physics (gen.)
Ben Collie Cambridge, DAMTP High Energy Physics (gen.)
Matthew Dolan (chair) Cambridge, DAMTP High Energy Physics (gen.)
Melissa Duncan Oxford High Energy Physics (gen.)
Ehrhardt Cambridge, DAMTP High Energy Physics (gen.)
Panagiotis Katsaroumpas Queen Mary High Energy Physics (gen.)
Eoin Kerrane Edinburgh High Energy Physics (gen.)
Sarah Leyton Royal Holloway, U London High Energy Physics (gen.)
Stefan Meinel Cambridge, DAMTP High Energy Physics (gen.)
Intekhab Mufti Oxford High Energy Physics (gen.)
Christopher Monahan Cambridge, DAMTP High Energy Physics (gen.)
Leo van Nierop McMaster High Energy Physics (gen.)
Alexander Pikovski Hannover High Energy Physics (gen.)
Prim Plansangkate Cambridge, DAMTP High Energy Physics (gen.)
Norman Rink Cambridge, DAMTP High Energy Physics (gen.)
Flip Tanedo Cornell High Energy Physics (gen.)
James Unwin Oxford High Energy Physics (gen.)
Wemedh A'eal Manchester Number Theory
Alex Bartel (chair) Cambridge, DPMMS Number Theory
Nenna Campbell-Platt University College London Number Theory
Joel Cohen Paris XI Number Theory
James Cooper Cambridge, DPMMS Number Theory
Jakob Ditchen ETH Zurich Number Theory
Sandra Eisenreich Regensburg Number Theory
Gary Greaves Royal Holloway, U London Number Theory
Linda Gruendken U Pennsylvania Number Theory
Ant Lei Cambridge, DPMMS Number Theory
James Newton Imperial College Number Theory
Rachel Newton Cambridge, DPMMS Number Theory
Elizabeth Quaglia Royal Holloway, U London Number Theory
Pornrat Ruengrot Manchester Number Theory
Mohammad Sadek Cambridge, DPMMS Number Theory
Paulius Sarka Vilnius Number Theory
Graham Sills Cambridge, DPMMS Number Theory
Graeme Taylor Edinburgh Number Theory
Ferhana Ahmad Oxford Quantitative Finance
Angus Brown (chair) Cambridge, DPMMS Quantitative Finance
Roberto Bustreo Brunel University Quantitative Finance
Sascha Desmettre Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics Quantitative Finance
Pierre Adrien Guez Ecole Centrale Paris Quantitative Finance
James Holloway Winton Capital Management Quantitative Finance
Antoine Jacquier Imperial College Quantitative Finance
Lei Jin Oxford Quantitative Finance
James Murphy Cambridge, DPMMS Quantitative Finance
Harald Oberhauser Cambrige, DPMMS Quantitative Finance
Ester Pantaleo U Bari Quantitative Finance
Luitgard Veraart U Karlsruhe Quantitative Finance
Yu Wei None Quantitative Finance
Liang Zhang Cambridge, DPMMS Quantitative Finance
Faiza Mohammad Allehiany Glasgow Statistics and Probability
Martine Barons Warwick Statistics and Probability
Sergey Bocharov Bath Statistics and Probability
Tamara Broderick Cambridge, Cavendish Statistics and Probability
Simon Byrne Cambridge, DPMMS Statistics and Probability
Marina Diakonova Warwick Statistics and Probability
Saverio Giuliani U Foggia Statistics and Probability
Hui Guo Cambridge, DPMMS Statistics and Probability
Stephanie Jacquot Cambridge, DPMMS Statistics and Probability
Tomas Juskevicius Vilnius Statistics and Probability
Sarah Lilienthal (chair) Cambridge, DPMMS Statistics and Probability
Parkpoom Phetpradap Bath Statistics and Probability
Richard Pymar Cambridge, DPMMS Statistics and Probability
Ben Roberts Cambridge, DPMMS Statistics and Probability
Perla Sousi (chair) Cambridge, DPMMS Statistics and Probability
Helen Thornewell Surrey Statistics and Probability
Daniel Keith Brattan Durham String Theory
Rhys Davies Oxford String Theory
Jerome Gaillard Swansea String Theory
Hadi Godazgar Cambridge, DAMTP String Theory
Ben Hoare Imperial College String Theory
Hung Ling Yan Cambridge, DAMTP String Theory
Sven Krippendorf (chair) Cambridge, DAMTP String Theory
Joao Nuno de Arajo Lopes Laia Cambridge, DAMTP String Theory
Matthew Lake Queen Mary String Theory
Hwasung Lee Oxford String Theory
Seung-Joo Lee Oxford String Theory
Cyril Matti Oxford String Theory
Noppadol Mekareeya Imperial College String Theory
Elena Mendez-Escobar Edinburgh String Theory
Miguel Fernandes Paulos Cambridge, DAMTP String Theory
Oliver Schlotterer MPI Munich (Werner Heisenberg Institut) String Theory
Gurdeep Sehmbi Durham String Theory
David Turton Queen Mary String Theory
Benoit Vicedo Ecole Normale Superieure String Theory