Fawndale Parish Council Member-Jacques Oswald

Name: James Osborn
E-mail: jeo30@cam.ac.uk
College: Jesus
Address: 9 Chapel Court, Room 5
Water Weapons Status: Water With Care
Character status: Illuminati-Special Branch
Notes: IB Maths, attending Geometry. Also attending any Assassins socials. Be careful with computer when using water weapons.
Name: Jacques Oswald
Description: Jacques is a key landowner in the village, posessing many of the fields surrounding the village as well as a spacious estate for himself and his family. He is respected if not always liked in the village, and he has contributed heavily to the upkeep of the church and church hall. It is believed that if the reservoir were to go ahead, he would financially have the most to gain, especially if he were receiving any extra bribes...

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