Fawndale Parish Council Member-Mick Close

Name: Mike Cripps
E-mail: mac57@cam.ac.uk
College: Trinity Hall
Address: Room 1, Dean House, Wychfield Site
Water Weapons Status: No Water
Character status: Innocent Townsperson
Notes: IB(2nd year) Compsci. 11 Tu/Th/S, 10-1 M/W/F in CL. Supervisions also in CL, although not yet arranged.
Name: Mick Close
Description: Mick is a veteran sheep farmer who owns much of the hillside and pasture in Fawndale. He loves his job, and can usually be found on his fields, or at the nearest market. Recently he has started to gamble heavily, although so far he has won as often as he has lost. Fawndale is a part of Mick, and although some see him as cold and harsh, those who know him best say tthat his concentrated seriousness flows out of a desire to excel at whatever he does. He is sure to make decisions and stick to them depending on what he feels is right for Fawndale, but could money sway his opinion?

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