Cloak & Dagger The Assassins' Guild

The Assassins' Guild

This is the website for the Cambridge University Assassins' Guild. The Lent 2008 game has now finished! The Winner of the Lent 2008 Assassins game is Luke Bennett of Jesus College! The Umpire for this game was Steve McCann of Churchill College. Any queries relating to the game should go to him.

News Flash!!

This coming weekend we are holding a one-day general's event. Details can be found here.

There was a Scrabble mini-game. Philip Bielby is Scrabble Master!

Varsity Occurred!

(We totally won)

People who took part are invited to email Jake (jsc59) with a report of the weekend for putting on the website.

If you have any questions, please email Enjoy!

If you wish to be notified with details of future game and events, please join the mailing list or email the Umpire to be added.

Lent 2008:



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