Cloak & Dagger The Assassins' Guild - Wanted List

This is the List of wanted players.

Everyone has been a good boy.

Police who have succumbed....

Real Name Pseudonym Address College Water Weapons Status Crime Notes
Tom Booth Kilroy-Silk 24 Parkside, Room 1 Peterhouse Full water Being a very naughty boy. Please watch computer by window
Lauren Grest Little Red Riding Hood Peile 302 Newnham No water Being a very naughty girl. None
Bryony Baines Expecting Someone Taller? O6 Tree Court Gonville and Caius Water With Care Being a very naughty girl. None
Alex Labram Kermit Room 7, 69 Jesus Lane Christ's Water with extreme care Consorting with Dunky B None

Inevitably, this happens....

Name Pseudonym Crime
Duncan Brewer Dunky B Corruption, bribery, incitement to nastiness, loitering with intent.
Simeon Bird Gridley Quayle Killing an innocent.
David William Jackson Gower Attempted (unsanctioned) murder.
Vincent Tang gurkha turd 3 Murdering poor George Yianni.
Gordon Ball Chronitis Consorting with Dunky B
Ed Heaney Gyrognome Fighter-Organist Accomplicing a wanted criminal and attacking the C
Richard Gibson White Rabbit Consorting with Dunky B
Alex Pavlaki The Godfather Murder of innocents.
Adam Baird Fraser A Blunt Kitchen Knife Being a very naughty boy.
Paul Fox PJ Consorting with Dunky B
Suzy Hamilton A Rabid Pigeon Shooting the umpire. In the face.
Ed Saperia Trilby "The Deerstalker" Fedora Accomplicing a wanted criminal and attacking the C
In-Kwon Choi Ellie Reckless endangerment of innocents
Kirsty Reger Tigerbunny Consorting with a wanted criminal.
Llewellyn Pilbeam name Assaulting a fellow officer.
John-Joseph Wilks Sir Seoman AKA Morat Exploding an innocent.
Sarah Thacker Livia Killing people she was not supposed to.
Christopher James Jenkins Dakeyras AKA The Octopus that lurks under your Antimacassar Bombing a shared kitchen.
David Manning Biggles Overuse of contact poison

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