The Umpirical Double Team

The umpirical double team consists of foreign secretary Ed Sinister Nokes (career bodycount 60) and May Week 2000 winner Björn Cawazy Holzhauer (career bodycount 104), each from Caius College. The long cooperation that has made them one of the most feared assassination teams of the past promises a well-umpired, psychotic, dangerous and, above all, enjoyable, Lent 2001 game.

Ed's unequaled skills with CPS weaponary secured him second place in May Week 2000, 5th place in Michaelmas 2000 and the Archaeonecros choccy prize for the best PC in Michaelmas '99. His long service as foreign secretary of the Guild has also brought him several kills in Oxford, where he was one of four people never to be assassinated. His archaic English, amusing reports, cunning schemes that always fail, and of course, his humble editorial nature, are famous throughout the guild (and beyond).

The winner of the psychopathy award for three terms running, Björn is notorious for his rather unique style of play: any game inevitably sees him becoming wanted within the first week, dead a few days later, and making the most of his afterlife as an extremely corrupt police officer for the rest of term.
Not only did Björn win May Week 2000 (the only game in which he failed to kill a single unarmed non-player) by a huge margin, with 46 kills in just one week, he also murdered more than 38 persons during Michaelmas 2000, and was another of the four survivors of the Varsity match against Oxford.

When not beating up old ladies, the umpires may be found in their secret undersea volcanic hideout, situated on 3 St. Paul's Road, rooms 1 and 2.

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